- Records Management
- Document Storage
- File management
- Media storage
- Vault storage
- Source code escrow
- Onsite Records Management
- Digital Solutions
- Document Scanning and Indexing
- Digital Contract Management
- Digital Invoice Processing
- Digital Mailroom
- Employee Management (HRDMS)
- Visitor Management System (VIZIO)
- Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
- Information Consulting
- Employee Onboarding
- Central Know Your Customer Automation (CKYC)
- Digital Signatures
- Fixed Asset Management
- Digital file tracking (DART)
- Insight
- Case Studies
- About Us About Us
- Locations
- Customer Centre
The team in Taipei is dedicated to giving you the knowledge and insight needed to make the information management a complete success.
With so much experience in managing corporate information, we understand exactly what it means to manage your information in a fast changing world. Our combination of facilities, knowledge and insight into the opportunities of effective records management can bring order to a complex environment and create advantage.