Web-based digital document management system (DMS) implementation to provide an end to end solution for managing employee files


13 August, 2024


Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) is an Indian public sector oil and gas company headquartered in New Delhi. It is India’s largest commercial oil company with a workforce of more than 33,000 employees. IOCL accounts for nearly half of India’s petroleum products market share, 35% national refining capacity (together with its subsidiary Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd., or CPCL), and 71% downstream sector pipelines through capacity.

The objective of engaging our services was to digitise the voluminous and unwieldy employee records.


  • IOCL had their entire employee records only available as hard copies. It was difficult to track and manage physical files.
  • A single repository for all employee documents was not available, thereby impacting the operational efficiency of HR Teams.
  • Searching a single document or a set of documents pertaining to an employee was a unwieldy task.
  • An employee file consists of multiple document types like KYC documents, appointment letter etc. It was difficult to identify missing document from each employee file.
  • Sharing of documents with internal and external auditors was a challenge. (for instance, sharing all documents pertaining to an employee on an audit request took time in collating and sharing it with the auditor).
  • Role-based access management wasn’t available.
  • History logs for tracking & monitoring the actions made on records weren’t available.


  • Crown implemented a web-based digital document management system (DMS) to provide an end to end solution for managing employee files.
  • After consultation with the HR Team, document types were created in the tool along with the fields to assist users to search the documents and pull reports from the DMS.
  • Employee photographs were scanned in colour, cropped and made available with summary of employee details along with all employee documents.


  • A web-based application allowed users to access the application from anywhere within the organisation allowing real-time access to documents.
  • Improved efficiency of HR operations through faster access of records via a robust search engine for multiple business requests.
  • Reduced efforts to identify missing documents from an employee file with the help of a document set feature. This ensured compliance in terms of maintaining employee files up to date.
  • Allowed bulk sharing of documents with internal or authorised external users via secure, self-expiring links making it easier to stay compliant to information security guidelines.
  • Improved information security through role-based access management and encryptions.
  • Reduced the turn-around-time (TAT) of the HR team in retrieving digital records as per audit requirements.

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